purpose of the fixation
cemented total hip prosthesis
cementless total hip prosthesis
the porous coating
(trabecular) metal
and fill principle
on the shaft
hybrid total hip
some special techniques
robotic surgery
custom made prostheses
prostheses for revision operations
Purpose of the fixation of the
prosthesis to the skeleton
The total hip prosthesis must be anchored
securely within the skeleton for good function. The loose sitting
total hip prosthesis is painful and such loose total hip is
also stiff.
There are two methods how to secure the
fixation of a total hip prosthesis to the skeleton:
cemented total hip
the surgeon uses bone
cement for fixation of the prosthesis to the
The cementless total
the surgeon impacts
the total hip directly into the bed prepared in the
The construction, the form,
and the rehabilitation after the operation with these two types of
prostheses are different.
The cemented total hip
The cup and the shaft of a cemented total
hip prosthesis are fixed to the skeleton with a self curing polymer
compound called bone cement. The bone cement fills completely the
space between the skeleton and the surface of the prosthesis. But
bone cement is not a true glue, it is only filling
The cemented
total hip prosthesis
Click on the icon for a full size
The surgeon puts a lump of still
doughy bone cement into the bed prepared in the skeleton. The
surgeon had dried the skeletal surfaces and removed all blood
from them before.
The polyethylene and the
ceramic cup components are put directly into the doughy
substance of the bone cement. The cup has a form of a
hemispere with slots on it that fits in the bed made in the
pelvic bone.
The femoral shaft has smooth
surface and conical form for easy placement in the
doughy cement.
When the surgeons presses the cup
and the shaft components into the doughy cement, the cement
expands into the sponge bone and adheres also
firmly to the surface of the prosthesis components.
The bone cement hardens within 10
minutes. The hard cement then acts as a
spacer and keeps the total hip prosthesis stable
in place.
The bone cement has added
substances that make it opaque (not pervious ) for X-rays. On
the X-ray pictures one sees the bone cement as a white layer
around the still more white shadows of the
Thanks to this characteristics, the
surgeon can discern damages in the cement mantle around the
prosthesis (small fractures through the cement substance due
to fatigue,e.g.) on the x-rays.
The surgeon can also see
areas of osteolysis (bone dissolving disease) between bone
cement and the skeleton
surface. |
Benefits and
disadvantages of the cemented prostheses
The cemented total hip
replacement tolerates small deviations from the precise
operation technique. The bed cut for the prosthesis in the
skeleton need not to be very exact because the bone cement filler
will level out all incongruities.
The patients can put
weight on their new total hips immediately after the
operation (in theory).
Actually, the strength of the fixation of
the cemented total hip to the skeleton is most strong at the end of
the operation. The factor that limits full weight bearing is
the surgical damage to the soft tissues around the total hip. These
tissues must heal before the full weight bearing is
The cement layer also acts as an
intermediate bumper between the very stiff metal of the total hip
prosthesis and the weak skeleton. This bumper levels the peak forces
acting on the skeleton around the total hip during gait.
disadvantages are two:
One is that pressing the doughy bone
cement into the raw bone marrow cavity during the operation
may cause circulatory disturbances.
The other is that the bone cement ages,
cracks, and after some time the bond between the prosthesis and the
skeleton may be lost.
The cementless total hip
The components of the total
hip prosthesis are pushed (press-fitted or blown into) directly in
the space made by the surgeon in the skeleton and held there by the
elastic forced generated in the bone tissue.
The form of the total
hip prosthesis must be adapted for the cementless
First, the
polyethylene or ceramic cups of the cementless prostheses must
be enshrouded within a metallic encasing
before they are pushed into the reamed space in the
acetabulum. Bone tissue does not stand direct contact
with polyethylene or ceramic materials of the cup and polyethylene
or ceramic cup in direct contact with raw bone would loosen.
These cementless cups are thus relatively thick; their wall consists
of the polyethylene or ceramic inner cup ("lining") plus the
metallic encasing.
In the metal-on-metal total
hip devices the metallic cup is pushed into place directly and
needs not any encasing. It follows that the wall is is
relatively thin (about 5-6 millimeters).
Second, the surface of the
component must be made rough. A smooth surface of the
shaft component will slide against the walls of
the marrow cavity and will not adhere directly to
the skeleton of the thigh bone. A smooth shaft
component of a cementless total hip will not achieve stable
fixation in the skeleton
A rough surface of the
shaft component will improve the immediate fixation of the
shaft component to the skeleton. As yet, the most
effective rough surface is the porous
coating applied on the surface of a cementless total
Benefits and
Disadvantages of cementless THR
Advantages of
cementless total hip replacement:
The surgeon avoids all problems with
cementing the total hip during the operation (problems with mixing
the bone cement, waiting for hardening of the doughy bone cement,
changes of the position of prosthetic components while the bone
cement is still in doughy state, risk of blood pressure fall and
heart failure during cementing of the prosthesis)
The patient avoids the risk that the bone
cement layer will crack and successively disintegrate years after
the operation.
of cementless total hip
There is a risk that chunks of
the bone marrow substance will be pushed into the
circulation during the forceful hammering of the cementless total
hip into place.
The need for restricted weight bearing
6-12 weeks (not always)
Pain in the thigh, sometimes > 1
Risk of a fracture of the skeleton during
operation, when the surgeon blows the total hip too vigorously into
an undersized bony bed.
Loosening of the metallic balls or fibers
from the porous coated surface. These balls may land
inside the total joint between the bearing joint
surfaces and act as a third body. These hard metallic surfaces
then accelerate the wear from these surfaces.
Spongy metal
A new form of porous
coating is the "spongy" or trabecular metal coating. This is
made from tantalum metal which has a "spongy" structure and is
also called trabecular metal because of its likeness with the
trabecular bone (spongious (sponge) bone). The microscopic
picture of the trabecular metal shows that it is composed of
microscopic beams of pure tantalum metal which look like the
microscopic beams of the trabecular bone. This structure
allows much more ingrowth of bone tissue than the usual metal
coating with microscopic balls or net made from
The engineers can control
the thickness of the beams and thus the rigidity of the
resulting product.
(Click on the icon for a full size
picture) |
Picture: trabecular bone (upper picture, right) and
trabecular metal (lover picture) |
The trabecular metal has one big
advantage: its mechanical characteristics come very close to the
mechanical characteristics of the spongious bone itself. It is thus
used mainly in reconstructive procedures where it replaces the lost
So the bioengineers often use trabecular
metal to make parts of skeleton, for example parts of a destructed
pelvis bone, from this material.
Whereas the traditional porous coatings
allows ingrowth of bone tissue some tenths of a milimeter, the
trabecular metal allows much greater ingrowth of bone
The weight
bearing after cementless THR
If the surgeon succeeded to
impact firmly the cementless total hip prosthesis onto
the raw bone surfaces, the prosthesis will not move during walking,
thus the bone tissue growing into the porous surface of the
prosthesis will not be damaged by the early weight
If the prosthesis was not
impacted firmly onto the raw bone surfaces, every time the patient
makes a non-protected step the porous surface of the
prosthesis moves against the skeleton and cuts the newly formed
sprouts of bone tissue. Eventually, only loose fibrous tissue will
connect the unstable cementless prosthesis to the skeleton.
Such loose attachment may cause pain and failure of the cementless
total hip prosthesis.
Thus, the surgeons usually
recommend non weight bearing regime for 6 -12 weeks after a
cementless total hip prosthesis to enhance the biologic fixation of
the prosthesis.
Simultaneous bilateral TH and
weight bearing
The ban of the immediate
postoperative weight bearing may be a problem for patients with
cementless bilateral total hip replacements. Several surgeons
allow, however, their patients with bilateral cementless
total hips " weight bearing as tolerated" on two crutches or on a
walker immediately after the operation, if the cementless total hip
prostheses were stable after the impacting.
The immediate weight bearing in these
patients did not cause any complications, on the contrary the speed
of recovery was quickened.
Studies demonstrated that in
patients where the surgeon succeeded to achieve a stable
fixation of the cementless total hip prosthesis to the patient's
skeleton, the immediate weight bearing "as tolerated" on two
crutches or on a walker did not cause any harm. Some studies even
maintain that the recovery of muscle force and walking capability
was quicker in these patients than in patients with a non
weight-bearing regime.
Thus, your surgeon knows how stable
the fixation of your new cementless hip is.
Discuss always the question of weight
bearing on your new total hip always with him.
Cementless cup
Picture of a
cementless cup. (Click on the icon for a full size
picture) |
The bone tissue cannot stand direct
contact with the surfaces of polyethylene or ceramic cups. Such
direct contact provokes osteolysis - bone dissolving disease.
So that when the surgeon wishes to use
ceramic or polyethylene cups without a protecting layer of bone
cement, these cups must be put into a thin metallic casing - a metallic back-up. The
cementless cup thus consists of an outer metallic layer and
an inner layer made of polyethylene or ceramic, also called the liner. The liner
articulates with the ball.
The surface of the metallic back-up is
often porous coated and has openings for screws.
The surgeon impacts (blows, hammers) the
metallic casing directly into the carefully prepared bony bed in the
hip socket ( the acetabulum). Another name for such cup is
"press-fit cup". To enhance the fixation of the
metal-backed cup to the skeleton, the surgeon may put screws through
the holes in the metallic casing and into the pelvic skeleton.
There are also cups that may be screwed
into place. The metallic back-up of these prostheses has screw wings
on the outside. The cup is screwed as one large screw into reamed
screw wing tracks prepared in the walls of the socket.
Sandwich systems
for cementless cups
The relatively soft cement layer in
the cemented ceramic or metallic cups provides, in theory, a
bumper protection of the metallic or ceramic cups against the shocks
occurring through walking and other activities. To protect the
cementless metallic or ceramic total hip cups from these chocks,
some manufacturers place (sandwich) a layer of polyethylene between
the inner ceramic or metallic liner and the outer metallic
of metal-backed cups: simple operation
Disadvantages: the liner may dislocate
from the metal-backing. The liner may rotate against the
metal-backing and produce additional polyethylene wear
Two general features characterize
the shafts of the modern cementless total hip prosthesis:
Porous Coating
The Fit and Fill
coating offers
immediate stability and
late biological fixation of the THP

Click on the icon for a full size
Porous coated hip
The surfaces of the modern cementless
total hip prosthesis which are in contact with skeleton
are porous coated. A thin layer of very small sintered
titanium balls or a very fine mesh of titanium wires is applied
as porous coating
on the surface of cementless total hips stems.
(DePuy -Porocoat total hip)
The Fit and Fill
It is not difficult to prepare
place for the spherical cup in the hip socket by reaming, but it is
impossible to ream the marrow cavity so that the shaft of the total
hip prosthesis would fill the marrow cavity completely and be jammed
firmly in it. This is so because the marrow cavity of the thigh bone
changes its shape. In the upper part it has a shape of an
ellipse on cross section, whereas it has the shape of a long, S
shaped rigid tube on cross-section beneath. Yet, the form of the
shaft of a total hip prosthesis must accommodate to this form
of marrow cavity to withstand the stresses put on the shaft by
everyday life.

Picture: The fit and fill
principle of the shaft component.
(Click on the icon for a full size
Profile view of the thigh bone. The
marrow cavity inside the shaft of the thigh bone is oblong in the
upper part of the thigh bone, but it is circular in the middle
Note also that the shaft has a S- like
form. (Left side picture)
Ideally the shaft of the prosthesis
should be in close contact with all walls of the marrow
cavity. This is impossible with a straight rod-like shaft
(Middle picture)
With a proprietary fluted form of the
shaft the contact will be better. Such form is, however, difficult
to fabricate and even more, difficult to introduce and place in the
marrow cavity.(Right side picture)
The bioengineers are now satisfied when
the shaft of the prosthesis has contact with the inner walls
of the marrow cavity at least at three places. This suffices
theoretically to achieve initial stability of the shaft. The form of
the commercially used prosthetic shafts is thus a
The shaft is elliptic on cross section in
its upper part , and it is circular and rod-like in the lower
part where the marrow cavity is tube-like. It sways in some model to
accommodate to the S shape of the thighbone.
There are two theoretical problems
associated with "fit and fill" principle.
First, the femoral shaft component that
fills entirely the bone marrow cavity shields the skeleton from the
stresses created by the body weight. Without these stresses the
skeleton around the femoral shaft becomes weak and may break through
if the stress shielding is excessive.
To obviate this complication, the modern
cementless prostheses are in close contact with the skeleton in the
upper (proximal ) part of the thighbone skeleton only. The skeleton
distally (beneath) from this place is not in direct contact with the
stem component and remains strong.
Second, the stem component must be
anchored securely in the bone marrow cavity. The contents of bone
marrow cavity are loose fat tissues, blood vessels nearing the inner
side of the skeleton, and weak spongy bone. The strong skeleton is
on the outside, so called corticalis bone. The corticalis bone forms
strong hollow tube around the bone marrow cavity. For stabile
anchor, the stem component must be in contact with the strong
corticalis bone.
The surgeon who prepares place for a
round conforming shaft component reams the bone marrow cavity and
removes spongy bone together with blood vessels. The corticalis bone
will thus be deprived of its circulation.
Consequently accomplished, the "fit and
fill" procedure thus leaves the inner half of the corticalis
bloodless, dead.
There are surgeons who do not accept this
kind of fit and fill procedure. The Austrian surgeon Karl Zweymuller
developed the Alloclassic cementless total hip. The shaft component
of the Alloclassic total hip is rectangular on cross section. The
contact with the corticalis bone is through four small fins. Doctor
Zweymuller maintains that this cross section makes it possible to
retain circulation in the bone marrow cavity in cementless
Alloclassic total hip. At the same time, the rectangular and not
circular shape of the femoral component gives an extra rotational
stability to this prosthesis.

Picture: Fit and fill versus
Alloclassic femoral component
Click on the icon for full size
Left side: Conventional cementless stem
inside the marrow cavity. The stem fills the marrow cavity
completely. There is no place for vessels inside the bone marrow
cavity, all space is occupied by the "fit and fill" shaft component.
Note also that round shaft component placed inside the round marrow
cavity is not stable against rotational forces.
Right side: Alloclassic total hip. The
contact of the quadrilateral shaft component with the corticalis
bone is through four fines. There is space left for blood
vessels between the fines. Note
also that the fines that are placed in precisely reamed spaces add
extra stability to the stem against rotational forces.
The surgeon must, however, use special
reaming instruments and ream carefully through the bone marrow
cavity lest he / she do not damages the circulation inside the
marrow cavity.
The Allosclassic total hip is used
mainly in Europe with great success. After ten years, 92% of all
Alloclassic total hips survive and are working fine. (Gruebl
Gruebl A et al. J Bone Joint Surg-Am
2002; 84-A:425 - 31
Stresses on the shaft of a
total hip prosthesis
In the patient's body, the shaft of the
total hip prosthesis must withstand two kinds of stresses
The bending
stress tries to bend the shaft of the prosthesis,
e.g. during ordinary standing and walking. A shaft well embedded in
the marrow cavity will resist well these stresses, either cemented
or non cemented.
Laboratory experiments demonstrated
that bone cement helps to distribute the bending stresses in the
shaft component on a large area of the
In cementless total hips where the
fixation of the shaft to the skeleton occurred on small areas
only, the concentration of these stresses to small areas of the
skeleton may produce local changes in the skeleton (seen on the
X-ray pictures) and evoke pain.
The twisting stress tries to rotate the shaft within the bone
marrow cavity, e.g. when the patient rises from a chair or climbs
the stairs.

Picture: Twisting stress on the
shaft component.
Click on the icon for a full size
There is still discussion ongoing
which shaft component fixation, cemented or cementless, is
better suited to resist the twisting
There are countless variations of the
general form of the cementless shaft, differing in the surface
texture, in small deviations from the general shape, etc. All
these modification in the shape and surface texture try to enhance
the stability of the prosthetic shaft within the bone marrow
The hybrid
total hip prosthesis
Some surgeons believe that cementless
cups have better results then cemented cups, but they argue
that the results of cemented prosthetic shafts are equally good as
the results of the cementless shafts. These surgeons use
cementless cups paired with cemented shafts This type of total hip
replacement is called a hybrid total hip prosthesis.
3 The porous
What is
The porous coating is a
thin layer of a fine wire mesh or a layer of small balls sintered
together, that is applied on the outer surface of the total joint
prosthesis. The coating materials are pure Titanium and
Cobalt -Chromium alloys, both are well tolerated by the bone

Click on the icon for a
full size picture
The purpose of porous
coating is to enhance the fixation of the shaft to the skeleton. The
sintered ball or titanium mesh makes a complicated maze.
Within the wire mesh or between the individual balls there is a
labyrinth of fine tunnels that attract the ingrowth of bone
How thick is the porous
coating layer
The surface coating layer
is only a few millimeters thick, fast sintered to the surface of the
prosthesis component.
Only tunnels of
certain dimensions in the porous coating attract ingrowth of
the bone tissue. The bone tissue cannot grow into openings that
are very small (say < 40 thousands of a millimeter) and it
will grow very slowly into openings that are too wide (say >500
thousands of a millimeter). The precise dimension of openings
in the porous coating varies with the manufacturer of the porous
coated prosthesis.
Ingrowth of bone
The bone tissue will grow
into the porous coated surfaces only when the porous coated surface
of the prosthesis is steadily impacted against the surface of the
skeleton. The closer the surface of the total hip component to the
skeleton, the quicker will the bone tissue find its way into the
porous surface.
Bone tissue would not cross
gaps between the porous surface and the skeleton that are more than
1,5 millimeters wide. It really comes to blow the cementless
prosthesis in its bed!
When there is a movement
between the porous coated surface of the prosthesis and the surface
of the skeleton the newly ingrown bone tissue, which is stiff,
is cut away from its vascular sources by these movements.
In the end, in a cementless total hip which moves against the
skeleton, there develops only loose soft fibrous tissue
between the porous coated surface and the skeleton. A
prosthesis attached to the skeleton with a loose fibrous tissue is
not stable.

Picture: Ingrowth
of tissues into the stable and unstable cementless total
Click on the icon for a
full size picture
Upper picture shows a
stable cementless fixation. From the skeleton close to the
prosthesis grow thin sprouts of new bone tissue into the pores of
the porous surface. Note that only a smaller part of the pores is
occupied by the newly growing bone tissue. Observations revealed
that on the average only about 30% of the porous coated
surfaces are ingrown with bone.
Note that there is
also fibrous tissue (non bone tissue) between the prosthesis
and the skeleton. In stable cementless total hips, presence of
fibrous tissue on these places is beneficial. Such fibrous tissue
enhances the fixation of the prosthesis an prevents access of small
wear particles to the bone.
Bone does not grow into the
depth of the porous coating, so porous coating layer may be thin.
The ingrowing sprouts of bone tissue are not strong initially, yet
they will tolerate very small movements ("micromovements") between
the prosthetic surface and the skeleton. With "small" the surgeons
mean movements not greater than the openings in the porous coating
(tenths of millimeters).
Lower picture shows an
unstable cementless fixation. Movements between an unstable
cementless total hip prosthesis and the skeleton occur are on
a larger scale (millimeters). Only the long strands of loose
fibrous tissue endure these movements. No stiff bone sprouts can
endure such large relative movement.
Note also that the bone
tissue is rosy in the picture - the bone tissue in the
vicinity of the prosthesis is rarefied, more spongy-like. This state
is called osteoporosis. Scientists believe that the stiff
metallic components protect the neighboring bone from "natural"
stresses. Non-stimulated bone tissue rarefies, becomes osteoporotic.
Studies demonstrate that the skeleton around the cementless total
hip had lost about 30 % of its bone content. This bone
loss is not restored.
Creating a stable, biological
With time, bone tissue grows into this
sponge-like surface of a stable prosthesis and the total hip joint
becomes an integrated part of the skeleton. This is called
biological fixation. But even a well biologically
fixed total hip still has on average only 30% of its surface ingrown
with bone tissue.
Animal experiments demonstrated
that the strength of fixation of the cementless prosthesis to
the skeleton increases successively during the first 12
postoperative weeks. After that period the strength of the fixation
does not change much.
That may be the reason why the patients are kept on non
weight-bearing regime after the operation with a cementless
prosthesis for 6 to 12 weeks. The surgeons will prohibit early
loading of the total hip prosthesis that may cause undue movements
between the prosthesis and the skeleton until the fixation is
sufficiently strong.
Surgeons usually
distinguish three phases of bone ingrowth and fixation into the
cementless total hip prosthesis
1) An "acute
phase" lasting about 3 months. During this phase, the
bone tissue damaged at the operation is removed and replaced,
and the bone tissue then grows into the porous
2) An adaptive
phase lasting from about 3 months to 2 years
postoperatively. The new bone is remodeling and reshaping
incessantly. In general the skeleton around the total hip is losing
about 30% of the bone tissue. On X-ray, this is seen as
osteoporosis around the cementless total hip. The bone loss is
mainly dependent on the mechanical characteristics of the femoral
stem component.
In some distinct areas of the
skeleton, however, the shaft component of the prosthesis
exercises more pressure on the skeleton. Skeleton reacts with
formation of more bone tissues in these areas. On X-ray
pictures, these areas are more white and the surgeons call
these areas "sclerosis".
3) A stable phase
from 2 years onward. During this phase the bone tissue is
remodeling at a slower pace, responding to the stresses put on
it by the cementless total hip. The volume of bone tissue does
not increase in the osteoporotic areas. The changes on the
X-ray pictures are small.
Hydroxyapatite coating
Hydroxyappatite (HA) is a mineral that
makes bone hard and strong. A synthetic variant of this mineral
(which is ceramic) is available and may be put as a thin layer on
the surface of the metallic porous coating.
Several studies demonstrated that a thin
layer of hydroxyapatite ceramic enhances the ingrowth of the bone
tissue into the porous coating furthermore. The HA coated cementless
total hips become stable earlier, and the bone ingrowth proceeds on
a larger area ( usually about 10% larger) of the coated
special techniques
Usually, the surgeon prepares the cavity
for the prosthetic shaft in the thigh bone with drills, saws, and
templates that look like instruments carpenters use
Although these instruments are high
precision tools, some surgeons try to improve the precision of the
cutting and drilling procedures. These surgeons have been
experimenting with a computer aided milling machine. This machine
drills a hole through the marrow cavity after data put into the
computer by the surgeon. The milling operation makes only a small
part (about 10%) of the total hip operation. Yet, with the use of
the Computer aided milling machine, this is is an elaborate
procedure that needs extensive preparations with placing of special
target wires in the thigh and taking several X-rays, all done at a
separate operation one or more days before the total hip replacement
operation proper.
Advantages: marginally better shape of
the space for the prosthetic shaft. (This is still
Disadvantages: Expensive and
time consuming procedure, still largely experimental not in general
use. More complications.
Custom made
Some shafts are so deformed
by previous disease that even a modular femoral component will not
fit. For these patients, the surgeon may order a custom made femoral
The patient is CT scanned (
a special X-ray technique depicting three dimensionally the form of
the femoral shaft) and the pictures are sent to the manufacturer. At
the manufacturers workshop, computer-assisted lathe turns a
prosthetic shaft that will fit the marrow cavity of the the deformed
femoral bone. This procedure takes between 1 to more weeks.
The operation with such custom made femoral component proceeds as
Some surgeons try to improve the fit of
femoral shaft also in patients without deformed femoral shafts.
They manufacture the prosthetic shaft after a casting taken
during the operation. The surgeon first prepares the marrow cavity
of the thigh bone for the shaft of the prosthesis. He/she then makes
a casting from this cavity that is sent to the technician who works
close to the operation room. While the patient is asleep, the
technician manufactures the customized shaft after the casting,
sterilizes it and sends the ready implant to the surgeon who places
the customized shaft in place and continues the operation. This
procedure takes between 45 to 60 minutes, even longer in some
Advantages: perhaps better fit of the
shaft - this is still discussed
Disadvantages: Expensive and time
consuming procedure, still experimental. The quality of the shaft is
dependent on the characteristics of the metal suitable for quick
turning the shaft. Cobalt chrome alloys cannot be used for this
purpose. The mechanic characteristic can be inferior due to
lack of the mechanical control of the quickly manufactured
More complications due to long anesthesia
time, more bleeding, higher risk of postoperative infection.
Using current surgical techniques, most patients can be fitted with
the standard cementless modular shafts.
for revision operations
The osteolysis destructs the skeleton
around a total hip prosthesis. The round socket in the acetabulum
(pelvic bone) after the primary operation is changed into a large
irregular cavity, sometimes communicating with the abdominal cavity.
The fine S shaped form of the marrow cavity in the thigh bone is
lost and replaced with a large cavity with very thin

revision prosthesis
(Click on the icon for a full size
The cup has extended rim with holes
for screws. These screws fixate the cup to the pelvic
The shaft is extra long. The lower
part of the shaft is anchored in the lower part of the shaft
cavity that has not been destructed by the
The upper part of the shaft is
bulkier to fill the space in the upper marrow cavity left
there after the osteolysis. |
The surgeon who should replace the loose
prosthesis with a new implant, faces a difficult problem how to fill
these cavities. For this purpose the manufacturers produce special
revision total hip prostheses that are bulkier than ordinary hip
prostheses. The revision cups are extra large and have several screw
holes for a firm attachment to the healthy part of the pelvic
The shafts of the revision prostheses are
extra long. Their lower part should be anchored in the lower part of
the thigh bone which has still healthy marrow cavity. The
shafts are often available as a "box of bricks" with different sizes
of components. This is called modular construction.

Figure: "Box of bricks"
Click on the icon for a full size
The surgeon assembles the right size of
the prosthetic shaft from these "bricks" directly at the operation
table. For very large destruction even the modular stem will not
fill the defect in the skeleton. The surgeon has then a choice to
order a custom-made prosthesis directly from the manufacturer. The
manufacturer produces the custom made shaft according to
special (CT) X-ray pictures.
There is still discussion ongoing whether
the revision total hip prosthesis should be cemented or
For more information visit please
also the following chapters
Loosening of total hip
BACK to Total Hip Index
NEXT to Bearing surfaces
Before you take any action,
please read carefully the